
An ongoing outreach project to reframe the study of western art. 

UPDATED 7/25/21 see below.

This is an invitation to collaborate.  I'm not  asking for money or promising fame. Instead, I am asking you to participate in an  exchange between artists. 

Mailed to you , in a custom  envelope, you will find pages taken directly from a copy of  "Gardner's Art Through the Ages - 5th Edition" (1970)  and Arnason’s History of Modern Art - 1st Edition ( 1968). I have deconstructed these textbooks - symbolically dismantling the history of art.  Please review the material sent to you and respond to its intellectual and visual content. This response can be in any form, and while I  expect many people to draw over, cut apart, paste, cross out, or paint onto some or all of the material I  have provided, I encourage you to experiment with this content in any way you see fit. Along with this letter, you will find a set of stamps and an envelope.  Please send me the results of your revisions. 

Upon receipt, I will reassemble your contriubution into the form of a book.  This book will be entitled : “A Historical Correspondnec Concerning the History of Art : 1st edition”

This work will not be sold. Instead, it will be digitally archived and distributed as a free publication. All who participate will be credited as an editor, and receive a copy of the publication upon its completion.

Send me a messsage with your mailng address.



On 7/28/2021, the  artist mailed a series of augmented postcards to partipants who requested a packet, but failed to respond to the prompt. Here is an index of those curtesy reminders..
